Watch: Player chucks evil putter into woods

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Watch: Player chucks evil putter into woods

Terry Pilkadaris shot 1-over 73 in the first round of the Asian Tours Panasonic Open India.If only he had shot even par, both he and his putter might feel better right now.After missing a putt on the 17th hole, the 44-year-old Australian heaved his putter into the woods.The video shows Pilkadaris doing the walk of shame to retrieve his putter. Remember, kids, always throw clubs in the direction of your next shot.

WATCH: Tour pro throws putter in woods; Henrik Stenson snaps his 9-iron in half Clubs are dropping all over the world this week. by Kyle Porter
Watch: epic putter throw on Asian Tour | GolfMagic

Watch: Player chucks evil putter into woods. November 2, 2017 - 11:02 AM Golf Channel. Terry Pilkadaris shot 1-over 73 in the first round of the Asian Tour's Panasonic Open India. If only he had shot even par, his putter might feel better right now.
Asian Tour player chucks putter into trees after frustrating miss

Doc Rivers once tried to get ejected to watch Tiger Woods Masters charge Quick Shots. VIDEO: Asian Tour player chucks putter into trees after frustrating miss Related
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Watch: Player chucks evil putter into woods | Golf Channel

A miss that lead Pilkadaris to decide it was time to part ways with his putter, literally and figuratively, chucking the flat stick into the woods. Luckily for us, the cameras were rolling, captured by the Golf Channel: Mad, bro? Player misses birdie putt, chucks putter into the trees at Panasonic Open India.
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Asian Tour player Terry Pilkadaris chucks putter into trees after The Australian cleaned up his par effort and then gave his putter a mighty chuck into the woods. How to watch the PGA
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After making two straight bogeys on holes 15 and 16, the Australian golfer missed a birdie to gain a stroke back on 17 from a few feet out and reached his tipping point. Just after tapping in for par, frustrated, Pilkadaris picked his ball up, put it in his pocket and threw his putter straight into the woods.

Golf roundup: Tiger Woods meets his match in semifinals of Match Play. Posted by: Linked To Author in Britain & Europe Golf News April 2, Watch: Player chucks evil putter into woods November 2, 2017; Jamie Vardy set to play against Bournemouth despite hip injury
Pro Golfer Throws His Putter Straight Into The Woods After

Watch: Player chucks evil putter into woods. By Golf Channel Digital. November 2, 2017 at 11:02 AM. Getty Images Terry Pilkadaris shot 1-over 73 in the first round of the Asian Tour's Panasonic
Watch: Player chucks evil putter into woods (via Golf Channel)

Watch: epic putter throw on Asian Tour Player misses birdie putt, chucks putter into the trees at Panasonic Open India. Tiger Woods commits to Memorial Tournament before US Open.
Pro sends putter flying into woods after missed birdie try

We have all been this guy before. Former NFL kicker Josh Scobee is an avid golfer and a good player in his own right, and he tweeted this video on Sunday that shows one player who had just about
Doc Rivers once tried to get ejected to watch Tiger Woods

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